KLK School
06 September 2021
Why… you know that you need to increase your level of education but you are hesitant …
It is normal that your mind is totally focused on finding the best option to improve your CV and above all that the training you receive becomes a springboard to the future.

Equipo en dentro de plataforma| Escuela_KLK
With this article we are going to try, at least, to clarify different doubts that, we believe, will be very useful to make that decision. So let’s start ….
- Why KLK School? The answer can be as difficult or as simple as you want, and I’ll explain, Escuela KLK has different degrees of training on which you can choose what is your need, that is, we have trainings, courses or clinics then here you decide what you need.
- But my schedule is complicated, can I log in whenever I want, we are also flexible in this aspect, if you decide, for example, a training to obtain the approval as KLK Weld Expert, you will access our training portal and you will advance in the necessary topics /text that accredit the acquisition of knowledge 24/7, because our training platform is a web-based digital environment, so you set yourself schedules and deadlines!!!!
- Yes, but I only want a clinic, how are they given? In this case the clinics usually, yes you will have to connect to a time and date because they are scheduled according to an annual agenda, but being via webinar will be recorded and you will have access to them for 1 week after the delivery of the same for you to view them as many times as you want!!!!
- Trust in our school, why? Here the answer is very quick and simple, KLK Electro materiales has been manufacturing products specialised in the safety of high and low voltage earthing installations since 1965, in this aspect we are professionals in the sector and we advise companies all over the world in areas such as the calculation of power resistors for a substation in the middle east (access to an article that may interest you on the calculation of resistors here) or how we carried out a physical training in Mexico for a team of trainers (watch the video summary here).
We comply with all regulations and certificates to work anywhere in the world, I leave you link to our quality sheets.

Formaciones en todo el mundo | KLK
- Ok, but I live in another country and welding requires a practical part, how can I get accredited as a welder for example? In that sense KLK TEch, our service focused product line, has our Virtual Training Module, MEV, which, by means of a virtual reality software we will be able to teach you in a practical way all the steps that are necessary for your first welding by exothermic processes to be perfect. Know more about our KLK MEV here

Equipo MEV | KLK
- And if I am not a professional, I am a training centre and I want to teach welding in KLK weld to my students, can I do it? Of course !!!! our virtual training module is not only a tool that we use to provide training, it is a piece of equipment that we sell through licenses by means of which you will be able to train students or professionals !!!! Here you have a link to our Virtual Reality KLK
You still have more doubts… don’t worry, our sales team is at your disposal, leave us your details in the form and our sales team will call you to help you in everything you need.
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